alexfrom0815 / Online-3D-BPP-DRL

This repository contains the implementation of paper Online 3D Bin Packing with Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning.
292 stars 66 forks source link

a mistake that can not solve #24

Closed llzll1031 closed 2 months ago

llzll1031 commented 2 months ago

torch._C._LinAlgError: cusolver error: CUSOLVER_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED, when calling cusolverDnXsyevd( handle, params, jobz, uplo, n, CUDA_R_32F, reinterpret_cast<void*>(A), lda, CUDA_R_32F, reinterpret_cast<void*>(W), CUDA_R_32F, reinterpret_cast<void*>(bufferOnDevice), workspaceInBytesOnDevice, reinterpret_cast<void*>(bufferOnHost), workspaceInBytesOnHost, info). This error may appear if the input matrix contains NaN.
can we run it on ubuntu 1804?