alexgb / guard-konacha

Automatically run konacha tests through Guard
MIT License
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Prevent caching results #11

Closed matthijsgroen closed 11 years ago

matthijsgroen commented 11 years ago

Reset Capybara session before each run to clear cookies (Cucumber::Rails does this aswell)

and add a unique identifier to the url to prevent cached results

Had to add Timecop as development dependency to guarantee uniqueness

alexgb commented 11 years ago

I was thinking this might be a good idea. Thanks!

matthijsgroen commented 11 years ago

No problem. I wanted to make sure this would help so was field-testing this for a few days to make sure it would solve the problem

romanenko commented 11 years ago

Strange, but from time to time my specs appears to be cached and only typing reload konacha helps. Why is it happening? To be honest, I don't really know how to reproduce the bug: it just happens from time to time.

alexgb commented 11 years ago

My guess is that there's some kind of caching happening in Capybara or its driver. @romanenko are you using the :webkit or :poltergeist driver?.

romanenko commented 11 years ago

@alexgb I use :poltergeist.

matthijsgroen commented 11 years ago

I have the same effect myself and an searching for a solution for months without success. We use the :webkit driver. Your discovery may indicate it is an issue within Capybara itself.

romanenko commented 10 years ago

Caching results still persists even when I use :webkit driver.

For example, I start guard, and make changes in specs to fail them, but running succeeds. I type reload konacha in guard console — they are still green. Only when I type exit in guard console, then start it again — they fail.

alexgb commented 10 years ago

I have a fix for the caching issue and compatibility issues with Konacha 3.0 that I hope to get up this weekend. Stay tuned.

matthijsgroen commented 10 years ago
