alexgervais / ambassador-grafana

Ambassador API Gateway Dashboard for Prometheus
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[Question] Request Count label should be RPS (request per second) instead of RPM (request per minute) #3

Closed ocind closed 1 year ago

ocind commented 1 year ago

Hi @alexgervais

First of all, thanks for creating/maintaining this dashboard!

I wanted to ask regarding the metrics that is used for RPM calculation under Envoy Upsteam Completed Request panel.

I saw that we are using this PromQL

sum(rate(envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_completed{}[$__rate_interval])) by (envoy_cluster_name)

doesn't this mean that the resulting value is request per second (RPS) instead of RPM?

Rate function returns the average increase per second, yeah?

I am new to PromQL and I might be misunderstanding. Hoping you can clarify! Thanks!

alexgervais commented 1 year ago

Hi @ocind, thanks for reaching out!

I believe you are right:

rate(v range-vector) calculates the per-second average rate of increase of the time series in the range vector.

So it does mean the axis label should read 'RPS', keeping in mind the precision will fluctuate given the approximation by $__rate_interval and the frequency at which metrics are scraped from Envoy.

ocind commented 1 year ago

hi @alexgervais thanks for the clarification! sorry I missed the reply somehow... I created a PR for this!

alexgervais commented 1 year ago

Thanks @ocind ! I've gone ahead and merged your PR. Until it gets published on, you can of course install the updated dashboard in Grafana directly from source.