alexghergh / nvim-tmux-navigation

Easy Neovim-Tmux navigation, completely written in Lua
MIT License
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Add navigate next method #3

Closed kevinrambaud closed 2 years ago

kevinrambaud commented 2 years ago

Hey, me again.

I have a workflow with neovim and tmux where I would like to just be able to go the next window/pane depending if I'm in neovim or in a tmux pane. I thought other people might be interested in such a workflow.

By default, I set the Ctrl + Space key binding as this is what I use.

alexghergh commented 2 years ago

I will be honest, I never heard about this kind of workflow. Could you please give an example on how you would use this functionality?

I have nothing against the idea of the PR, if people find it useful, I will accept it. I just never had the need of using more than up/down/left/right + previous window.

kevinrambaud commented 2 years ago

It's a combination of the Ctrl w + w in vim and the Ctrl b + o in tmux. It enables you to go to the next window/pane with a common key binding. It's the same as doing Ctrl + Tab in Chrome/Firefox to go to the next tab.

Does that help?

alexghergh commented 2 years ago

I understand what it does, I just don't see how you would use it in practice. That's why I asked for an example.

I will take a look at the PR today. At first glance it looks good. However I want to make a clear distinction between last "current window" (what is currently called "previous") and the next window by number.

If you introduce next as in "next by number", there might be confusion as to what "previous" means.

In Tmux man page, "next" and "previous" are used for windows by numbers, while "last" is used for the last (previously current) window.

Do you think we should also change this here? I.e. change "previous" to "last"..

kevinrambaud commented 2 years ago

Considering what you've described, changing "previous" by "last" would make more sense I think.

alexghergh commented 2 years ago

For now, I will keep the naming as it is, though I just want to make it clear for the user what each command does.