alexgkendall / SegNet-Tutorial

Files for a tutorial to train SegNet for road scenes using the CamVid dataset
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test_segmentation.cpp Failed to parse NetParameter file #91

Open xunkaixin opened 7 years ago

xunkaixin commented 7 years ago

Hello I tried to run the code test_segmentation.cpp CPU_ONLY . I get the error

./test_segmentation.bin Example_Models/bayesian_segnet_camvid.prototxt weights/bayesian_segnet_camvid.caffemodel CamVid/test/Seq05VD_f01230.png Scripts/camvid12.png

[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 450:24: Message type "caffe.DropoutParameter" has no field named "sample_weights_test". F0411 15:32:52.484048 26838 upgrade_proto.cpp:88] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: Example_Models/bayesian_segnet_camvid.prototxt

Any suggestions on getting this working?

thank you!

layssi commented 7 years ago

Same Error here

TimoSaemann commented 7 years ago

zhuyizi commented 7 years ago

Hello,did you solve this problem?Can you tell me about what should be done to solve it?

justrish commented 6 years ago

rishab/SegNet-Tutorial/caffe-segnet-cudnn5$ ./build/examples/SegNet_with_C++/test_segmentation.bin examples/segnet_basic/segnet_basic_camvid.prototxt examples/segnet_basic/segnet_basic_camvid.caffemodel ../CamVid/test/Seq05VD_f00000.png examples/segnet_basic/camvid11.png F0321 23:32:02.690990 28282 upgrade_proto.cpp:95] Check failed: ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: examples/segnet_basic/segnet_basic_camvid.caffemodel Check failure stack trace: @ 0x7f6fdadfadaa (unknown) @ 0x7f6fdadface4 (unknown) @ 0x7f6fdadfa6e6 (unknown) @ 0x7f6fdadfd687 (unknown) @ 0x7f6fdc920e4e caffe::ReadNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie() @ 0x7f6fdc90eb57 caffe::Net<>::CopyTrainedLayersFromBinaryProto() @ 0x7f6fdc90ebc6 caffe::Net<>::CopyTrainedLayersFrom() @ 0x41009c Classifier::Classifier() @ 0x40f0fd main @ 0x7f6fda628f45 (unknown) @ 0x40f527 (unknown) @ (nil) (unknown) Aborted (core dumped) I am not able to run the pre-trained segnet_basic_camvid.caffemodel file with this current codebase in CPU mode itself. Any suggestions to get it working !! Ubuntu 14.04 on Amazon Cloud instance !!