Open alexgrist opened 10 years ago
You will need to remove a lot of code in your gamemodes/(schema name)/schema/cl_theme.lua file so that you only have the following functions (your version may differ slightly).
You need to only keep the
local THEME = Clockwork.theme:Begin();
For HL2 RP it should now look like this:
local THEME = Clockwork.theme:Begin(); -- Called when fonts should be created. function THEME:CreateFonts() surface.CreateFont("hl2_ThickArial", { font = "Arial", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(8), weight = 700, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_PlayerInfoText", { font = "Verdana", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(7), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_Large3D2D", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:GetFontSize3D(), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_IntroTextSmall", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(10), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_IntroTextTiny", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(9), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_CinematicText", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(8), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_IntroTextBig", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(18), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_MainText", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(7), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_TargetIDText", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(7), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_MenuTextHuge", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(30), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); surface.CreateFont("hl2_MenuTextBig", { font = "Mailart Rubberstamp", size = Clockwork.kernel:FontScreenScale(18), weight = 600, antialiase = true, additive = false }); end; -- Called when to initialize the theme. function THEME:Initialize() Clockwork.option:SetColor( "information", Color(65, 105, 225, 255) ); Clockwork.option:SetColor( "background", Color(72, 60, 50, 255) ); Clockwork.option:SetColor( "target_id", Color(65, 105, 225, 255) ); Clockwork.option:SetFont("bar_text", "hl2_TargetIDText"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("main_text", "hl2_MainText"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("hints_text", "hl2_IntroTextTiny"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("large_3d_2d", "hl2_Large3D2D"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("menu_text_big", "hl2_MenuTextBig"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("menu_text_huge", "hl2_MenuTextHuge"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("target_id_text", "hl2_TargetIDText"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("cinematic_text", "hl2_CinematicText"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("date_time_text", "hl2_IntroTextSmall"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("intro_text_big", "hl2_IntroTextBig"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("menu_text_tiny", "hl2_IntroTextTiny"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("menu_text_small", "hl2_IntroTextSmall"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("intro_text_tiny", "hl2_IntroTextTiny"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("intro_text_small", "hl2_IntroTextSmall"); Clockwork.option:SetFont("player_info_text", "hl2_PlayerInfoText"); end; Clockwork.theme:Finish(THEME);
You will need to remove a lot of code in your gamemodes/(schema name)/schema/cl_theme.lua file so that you only have the following functions (your version may differ slightly).
You need to only keep the
local THEME = Clockwork.theme:Begin();
For HL2 RP it should now look like this: