alexguirre / RAGENativeUI

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Menu Templating #35

Closed alexguirre closed 4 years ago

alexguirre commented 5 years ago

See menu-template branch. Allows the user to create a Menu based on the properties and methods of a class that inherits MenuTemplate via attributes. All item attributes specifiy at least three properties: Name, Text and Description. Name is used to reference the MenuItem (for example, to access the MenuItem instance with MenuTemplate.GetItemByName), if null, the property name will be used.



Base class for menu templates. Implements INotifyPropertyChanged. The method BuildMenu creates the menu and sets the property Menu.


Defines the basic properties of a Menu: Title, Subtitle and Theme. Required to build the menu from a template class.

[Menu(Title = "My Menu", Subtitle = "Subtitle for my menu")]
private class TestMenu : MenuTemplate


Defines a property as a MenuItem. The property type must be a delegate or a type that has an Invoke method with either of the following signatures:

void Invoke();
void Invoke(MenuItem);

The delegate or method will be executed when the MenuItem.Activated event is raised.

[MenuItem(Text = "ItemText", Description "ItemDescription")]
private Action BasicItem { get; }

[MenuItem(Text = "ItemText", Description "ItemDescription")]
private Action<MenuItem> BasicItem2 { get; }

[MenuItem(Text = "ItemText", Description "ItemDescription")]
private InvokableClass ItemWithCustomClass { get; } = new InvokableClass();

// ...
private class InvokableClass
    public void Invoke()
        // ...


Defines a property as a MenuItemCheckbox. The property type must be bool. If the create checkbox item is checked or unchecked the property value will be updated. And in the other way around, if the property setter raises the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event, changing the value via the property setter the checkbox item IsChecked property will be updated too.

[MenuItemCheckbox(Text = "ItemText")]
public bool BoolValue
    get => boolValue;
    set => SetProperty(ref doSomeOtherThing, value);

Note, SetProperty is a method provided by MenuTemplate that raises the PropertyChanged event.


Similar to MenuItemCheckboxAttribute but for properties of numeric types. Also provides properties to customize the MenuItemNumericScroller created: Minimum, Maximum, Increment, ThousandsSeparator, Hexadecimal and DecimalPlaces.

[MenuItemNumericScroller(Text = "ItemText")]
public float FloatValue
    get => floatValue;
    set => SetProperty(ref floatValue, value);

[MenuItemNumericScroller(Text = "ItemText", Increment = 1.0, DecimalPlaces = 0)]
public int IntValue
    get => intValue;
    set => SetProperty(ref intValue, value, nameof(IntValue), nameof(IntValueAsHex));

[MenuItemNumericScroller(Text = "Int Value as Hex", Increment = 1.0, DecimalPlaces = 0, Hexadecimal = true)]
private int IntValueAsHex
    get => IntValue;
    set => IntValue = value;


Similar to MenuItemCheckboxAttribute and MenuItemNumericScrollerAttribute but for properties of enum types.

[MenuItemEnumScroller(Text = "ItemText")]
public GameControl EnumValue
    get => enumValue;
    set => SetProperty(ref enumValue, value);


Defines a method as a MenuItem.Activated event handler for a specific set of items. The Items string array contains the names of the wanted menu items.

[MenuItemActivatedHandler(nameof(IntValue), nameof(FloatValue))]
private void OnIntOrFloatValueActivated(MenuItem sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)