alexhemming / Ada-Clubs

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Anime Debate Club #4

Closed Doanhluunguyen closed 5 years ago

Doanhluunguyen commented 5 years ago

Alexander Emerson-Arfstromn Josh Raheem Doanh

Doanhluunguyen commented 5 years ago

Initial Ideas Josh Raheem


Alexander Emerson Doanh

Doanhluunguyen commented 5 years ago

We are working with ada students ( Josh, Alexander Emerson Arfstrom, Doanh and Raheem) and are aiming for a sponsor to help our heated arguments. What you’re doing We’re debating about anime Who you’re doing it for, your audience (may be same as the previous question) Anime lovers Why you’re doing this, the impact or change you hope to make To be able to create arguments based off on facts and what we have seen. Can be useful in generating ideas and what is good and not.

alexhemming commented 5 years ago

I'm merging this club with the Japanese Culture Club.