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A command-line tool for Kakoune
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macOS: synchronize-clipboard appends to clipboard #20

Open basbebe opened 3 years ago

basbebe commented 3 years ago

Using kitty and macOS, synchronize-clipboard for me appends yanked content to the system's clipboard instead of replacing it.

So with every yank my clipboard becomes a longer newline-separated history of my yanks.

kovidgoyal commented 3 years ago

basbebe commented 3 years ago

thanks @kovidgoyal for pointing that out! I hadn't realized that this was kitty's behavior as before I used a different way to copy to clipboard from kakoune.

In case you're using software that can't be easily adapted to this protocol extension, it can be disabled by specifying no-append to the clipboard_control setting.


clipboard_control write-clipboard write-primary no-append
basbebe commented 3 years ago

I cannot copy to clipboard when attached to a kakoune session within a kcr shell. The clipboard doesn't get changed then.