alexhude / FRIEND

Flexible Register/Instruction Extender aNd Documentation
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Hint Content Discussion #1

Open alexhude opened 7 years ago

alexhude commented 7 years ago

Personally, I prefer to keep hints small and display only important information there. Therefore we need to decide what should be considered as important.

For now it is:

  1. Purpose description (what is this element for/doing)
  2. Format for instructions (what data is passed)
  3. Bitfields for registers (what values are set)

I am open to other suggestions :)

devnoname120 commented 7 years ago

I'm not very familiar with IDA's API but would it be possible to make the hints scrollable like IDA's code sneak peek boxes?

This way short and important information could be displayed, and scrolling would bring extended information.

alexhude commented 7 years ago

No, unfortunately IDA hints are not scrollable. And I think it is fine because what we actually want to see is a brief info about instruction/register. There is "Show Documentation" item in popup menu for full description.