alexisInSAR / EZ-InSAR

Matlab Interface for Easy InSAR
GNU General Public License v3.0
105 stars 35 forks source link

Installation instruction problems #54

Closed mariadelmarq closed 1 year ago

mariadelmarq commented 1 year ago


I recently helped a colleague install this package after many frustrated attempts, and I thought I'd share what worked well for us in case others run into issues as well. The main difference is using mamba instead of conda, as we found conda to be painfully slow and sometimes never resolving at all. Steps below:

  1. Install mamba and other ubuntu and python libraries. Open a terminal and paste:
curl -L -O
sudo apt install gcc g++ gawk tcsh build-essential make git
pip install wget gitpython tree mamba
  1. Create a Python virtual environment. In the same terminal:
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python -m venv InSARenv
source InSARenv/bin/activate
  1. Install InSAR processing packages and EZ-InSAR. In the same terminal:
sudo mkdir -p $tool_DIR
sudo git clone $tools_insar/EZ-InSAR
sudo mv $tools_insar/EZ-InSAR $tools_insar/EZINSAR
sudo git clone $tool_DIR/isce2  
sudo git clone      $tool_DIR/MintPy 
sudo git clone      $tool_DIR/StaMPS
sudo git clone       $tool_DIR/StaMPS/TRAIN
sudo cp $tools_insar/EZINSAR/EZINSAR_BIN/docs/config_InSARenv.template $tools_insar/config_InSARenv.rc

sudo sed -i "/EZINSAR_HOME=/c\EZINSAR_HOME=$EZINSAR_HOME"  $tools_insar/config_InSARenv.rc

sudo sed -i "/APS_toolbox=/c\APS_toolbox=$tool_DIR/StaMPS/TRAIN" $tool_DIR/StaMPS/TRAIN/
  1. Add the following lines to your .bashrc file:
# EZ-InSAR & InSARenv
export tools_insar="$EZINSAR_HOME/tools_insar"
alias load_insar='conda activate InSARenv; source $tools_insar/config_InSARenv.rc'

Vim instructions: On the terminal type vi ~/.bashrc

This will change the terminal to show your bashrc file on screen. Use the down arrow to go to the bottom of the file. Press the letter i, and the word "-- INSERT --" will appear at the bottom. Now copy the previous few lines, and paste them at the end of the file (right-click -> Paste). Press "Esc" key once, then ":" key, "w" key, and "q" key, then "Enter".

Then you will be back on the regular terminal. Run:

source ~/.bashrc
  1. Install ISCE. On the same terminal:
mamba  install -c conda-forge isce2

cd $tool_DIR
mamba install -c conda-forge --file ./MintPy/requirements.txt

5.1 Install MintPy. Close the terminal and restart for above changes to take effect!

sudo python -m pip install -e ./MintPy

5.2 Install StaMPS

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt install -y gcc-7 g++-7
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 7
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 7
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
sudo update-alternatives --config g++
cd $tool_DIR/StaMPS/src
sudo make
sudo make install

sudo apt install snaphu 
sudo apt install triangle-bin

5.3 Install EZ-InSAR mamba install fiona geopandas rasterio

cd $tool_DIR

sudo curl -o ""
sudo unzip
sudo ./aws/install

5.4 Set your ASF account and credentials. If using vim again, type: vi ../EZINSAR/EZINSAR_BIN/pathinformation.txt

Then type "i", move around with the arrows to change the xxx's with your account-name and password:

ASFID    account-name
ASFPWD  password 

Once it's all good, "Esc", ":", "w", "q", "Enter". You should be back in the terminal.

  1. Run MATLAB from the terminal. Type: matlab
alexisInSAR commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this new instruction and I'll add it to the documentation directory.

Kind regards,


alexisInSAR commented 1 year ago


Thank you again.
