alexitsios / Calamity

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Create the map layout of the morgue #102

Closed alexitsios closed 1 year ago

alexitsios commented 1 year ago


Create a map and relevant documentation of the morgue.

Acceptance Criteria

The Map & Relevant documentation has been completed and placed into the wiki. The Map & Relevant documentation follow the outline

mashewmake commented 1 year ago

Map layout has been posted in the Locations section. Ready for blockout once it has been reviewed.

alexitsios commented 1 year ago

@DimitrisKalyvas @FreelanceSeven @ChristosDav @cloudphobos @nicolai21 @chaserimmer please provide your feedback here.

alexitsios commented 1 year ago

@mashewmake hey Madison buddy!

I think that the morgue has all the items that we need, and you took providence and placed some items that the narrative team could use. @ChristosDav @FreelanceSeven take a look at the items (such as the movable objects) and see if they can be incorporated into the narrative outline. If they can't kindly let Madison know.

Regarding the map layout, it's not clear to me if this location is a single room or multiple. Since this is a 3d horror game, we should give emphasis on narrow corridors and spaces.

I'm attaching the map/layout for the morgue from one of the resident evil games.

Image Source:

Note that all the above is just feedback, you are to decide if edits are needed based on the feedback everyone provides.

FreelanceSeven commented 1 year ago

Personally, I feel like the rooms are a bit too open. Survival horror games, especially those with fixed-camera angles, thrive on closed in rooms, halls, corridors.

ChristosDav commented 1 year ago

From the notes that @mashewmake written down, I have the following thoughts:

  1. Portable Patient Crane: It is written that the player must find the missing lever and find the power source. What Andrew and I were thinking was, in order for the player to operate the crane, they need to find only the lever. But we can consider adding power to it and when the player bring back the power to the room, the crane also turns on.

  2. Desk: I like the idea with patient files on the computer. Maybe we can use it as a hint for the locked cabinets. Our approach was to examine the x-rays and find clues to open them.

  3. Power Switch Closet: What Andrew and I were thinking was finding fuses (perhaps 2-3) around the morgue and then perhaps a small puzzle to get the power on in the morgue.

  4. Scale: The idea of the lever, being placed there is nice. Our approach was a bit different and a bit more spooky. There's a security room that a person has been locked inside due to the power outage. He grabbed the lever from the crane in order to defend himself from the threats, but the parasites got him and turned him into an Infected. When the player tries to get the lever from his hand, he immediately tries to attack.

These are my first thoughts. What to you guys think?

mashewmake commented 1 year ago

Very insightful feedback I really appreciate it. I'm definitely going to take into account this new information and will edit the layout accordingly.

mashewmake commented 1 year ago

Calamity_Morgue_Layout (2)

mashewmake commented 1 year ago

Updated the layout based off feedback. Also included possible fixed camera locations, all of these can be tweaked of course. Would love some thoughts on this new layout. @alexitsios @ChristosDav @FreelanceSeven

DimitrisKalyvas commented 1 year ago

I like Chris' suggestions. Other than that I feel like the existing layout is fine, unless Madison wants to make any changes to it.

chaserimmer commented 1 year ago

This looks really good and well put together! I think on the most updated version the smallness of the corridors help the horror aesthetic. Nice job

nicolai21 commented 1 year ago

This is well done. Size is good for what is being made. Hallway size would probably be a little wider than 2 carts next to each other for passing through the main hallway to Lab. The other hallways could be wide enough for 2 people to pass through since bodies are not needed to pass on through there (Going to 11 and 13). This looks ready for blocking.

alexitsios commented 1 year ago

I've no more feedback, looks ready to go. I'm closing this as complete @mashewmake

@ChristosDav @FreelanceSeven @cloudphobos @nicolai21 @chaserimmer