alexjamesbrown / JoeBlogs

Wordpress / Metaweblog API Wrapper
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various #11

Closed fschwiet closed 12 years ago

fschwiet commented 12 years ago

Hi, I started using JoeBlogs to export data. I've made some modifications I thought you might like. Thanks for making your code available on github.

fschwiet commented 12 years ago

There's also a nuspec in there now for making a nuget package to put this onto nuget. I don't know if you're interested in publishing to nuget, or mind if I would. If you want, I can publish. Its a good way to make the code visible to .net developers.

alexjamesbrown commented 12 years ago

Looks good... Only thing is ideally we'll take the nuget packages out of the repo-

there's loads of other "best practices" stuff about this...

any ideas?

fschwiet commented 12 years ago

I haven't tried using package restore, though it has some benefits I'm not completely sure. I believe the benefit is reducing repo size. One risk is that nuget might take down a package (though this is controversial, I do know of at least one package that I have a dependency on thats been removed from the nuget servers). Personally I haven't found it worth the bother.

kevininspace commented 12 years ago

Nice work fellas.

alexjamesbrown commented 12 years ago

great, thanks! Would be interested in nuget if you'd like to help?

fschwiet commented 12 years ago

My personal backlog is kind of full right now, and there is nothing WordPress related, so I'm not sure when I'll be revisiting the project. Thanks for pulling in my changes though, I help they help.