alexjamesbrown / JoeBlogs

Wordpress / Metaweblog API Wrapper
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Bug Fixes / Additional Post Fields #18

Closed ghost closed 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago
  1. Fix error with GetRecentPosts() call due to WordPress returning the postid as a string
  2. Fix error when adding a new post without tags
  3. Add support for post types, custom fields and post terms
alexjamesbrown commented 11 years ago

Thanks! Looks good!

Are you on twitter?

ghost commented 11 years ago

No problem. Just a couple of fixes/extra functionality I needed for another project.

I do have @simmousm on twitter but very rarely use it.

uzairjamal commented 11 years ago

Is there any way to set the Visibility of a wordpress post to 'Privvate' ? If there is a way than please provide a code snippet to do so.

Thank you.