alexjamesbrown / JoeBlogs

Wordpress / Metaweblog API Wrapper
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The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine #43

Open ottadvantage opened 10 years ago

ottadvantage commented 10 years ago

We are posting daily to close to a hundred different Wordpress blogs and occassionally we see the error "The server committed a protocol violation Section=ResponseStatusLine" popping up when trying to GetPost(postId).

In every case (that I've been able to find) we've been able to successfully post this Post and we are now just trying to retrieve the PermaLink to the post.

Like I said, it works for the majority of our sites but pops up now and again on different sites on different servers.

Based on articles I've read about this, we've added < httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing="true" /> to the web.config of the app doing the posting to no avail. Other sources indicate that we need to set the KeepAlive property to false to get around this which we haven't tried yet as I'm not too keep on forking your wonderful project.

Has anyone seen this problem before or have a solution to this issue?