alexjamesbrown / JoeBlogs

Wordpress / Metaweblog API Wrapper
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Is this Project active at all? #46

Closed theShiva closed 8 years ago

theShiva commented 8 years ago


I would like to know if you are planning on keeping this project active and/or up to date.

Please let us know.

A working functioning .Net wrapper around Wordpress API is much needed in the community.

Thank you! -Shiva

alexjamesbrown commented 8 years ago

I've not had time to maintain it recently; That being said, the wp-api (RESTful api) looks promising -

I think this will eventually replace the wordpress xml-rpc - so I'm not sure how much life JoeBlogs would have left in it?

I would be keen on maintaining this library, however, if I had the time

Joe118 commented 8 years ago

Eh someone beat me to it :)

Being able to set ALL attributes of a post would be really awesome.

And yeah wp-api looks cool!

theShiva commented 8 years ago

Thanks for replying @alexjamesbrown ! Your project was very useful to me 2 years ago when I was trying to build a MVC web app to post to wordpress.