alexjlockwood / ShapeShifter

SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
Apache License 2.0
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Autofixing drastically mutates path / prompts to auto fix when paths are the same #293

Open jwill opened 6 years ago

jwill commented 6 years ago

Did a holiday spike on a CLI Blender SVG -> Shapeshifter format converter for fun. Mostly because Blender does some non-standard things in its SVG exporter, and I wanted animation data and I don't use AE.

Anyways. I found a weird bug where if the Autofix tool sometimes flags a path as non compatible and autofixing causes it to mutate upon itself and flip orientation. It seems to occur when the paths are exactly the same (in the case of the circle) or very close (plane). I've included the generated Shapeshifter files below.

Plane with path and color animation (interval every 5 frames (total 61 frames in source svg), time+ = 20) f373efb4-98a7-4bf1-9739-095601be46ee.shapeshifter.txt Reproduce by autofixing the first block on stroke-1(plane)

Plane and circle with bigger frame intervals (I think this one was first frame and last frame only) 141e4b3b-9233-4e19-8220-122a5c83431e.shapeshifter.txt Reproduce by autofixing the circle, strokes-0

Also here's screencast videos of the behavior

alexjlockwood commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report! So to be clear, the .shapeshifter files you attached represent the "before you clicked auto fix" state, right?

jwill commented 6 years ago

Yep. Both are pre-autofix.

alexjlockwood commented 6 years ago

Hmm... interesting. I can reproduce. Will look into it. Thanks again for filing!