alexjlockwood / ShapeShifter

SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
Apache License 2.0
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prompt for an extrapoint when there is no need. #314

Open Raghav789 opened 6 years ago

Raghav789 commented 6 years ago

As you can see in the image both have exactly four points, but software prompts for an extra point why? NOTE: Note intended as repost/duplicate my other post has the whole host of other issues. screen shot 2018-09-20 at 1 16 20 pm

Raghav789 commented 6 years ago

Uhm....... HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIIIIIDE, I'm still wondering why an extra Pooooooint.

alexjlockwood commented 6 years ago

Can you post the 2 pathData strings that you are using?

i.e. The ones in the fromValue and toValue boxes?

screen shot 2018-10-08 at 9 09 55 am
Raghav789 commented 5 years ago

I thought it's was a rouge point too. so I double checked, the svg files. there wasn't any! to make sure I recreated both icons, flattened it and exported it and finally checked the svg file for an extra point. please take a look at the files.

From : M 12 2 L 12 14 C 10.343 14 9 12.657 9 11 L 9 5 C 9 3.343 10.343 2 12 2 Z To : M 6 5 L 10 5 L 10 19 L 6 19 Z

Raghav789 commented 5 years ago

Well, I'll just sing that same Old Soooooooong, hitting my head against the waaaaaaaaaall. sorry just getting my adele on, I know you must busy but, any thoughts on the issue.

Raghav789 commented 5 years ago


Raghav789 commented 5 years ago

Hi, any thoughts? also happy new year

Raghav789 commented 5 years ago

Knock Knock

Raghav789 commented 5 years ago

who is there? It's me again

Raghav789 commented 5 years ago

still here

Raghav789 commented 4 years ago

another year, another hi