alexjurkiewicz / ecr-scan-image

Github Action to run AWS ECR vulnerability scan on Docker image
MIT License
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feat: Add findings details to console output #15

Closed bryankaraffa closed 2 years ago

bryankaraffa commented 3 years ago

This adds additional output to the console so it's easier to identify what needs to be fixed from GitHub Action logs

alexjurkiewicz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the contribution! Can you paste some example output?

bryankaraffa commented 3 years ago
A scan for this image was already requested, the scan's status is IN_PROGRESS
Polling ECR for image scan findings...
Polling ECR for image scan findings...
Vulnerabilities found:
  0 Critical 
  0 High 
  0 Medium 
  1 Low 
  0 Informational 
  0 Undefined 
  1 Total 
alexjurkiewicz commented 3 years ago

Is the purpose of this output to be easy to copy/paste the JSON output into another tool? Or to be easy to read in the github actions console output?

If the latter, it looks like we should apply a little extra formatting so the format is easier to read. What do you think?

pzi commented 3 years ago

Definitely agree with @alexjurkiewicz, if a user would like to just read and get an understanding of what is going on rather than just copy & pasting it, then I think applying some formatting would be nice.

However, having said that, this is the formatted version of the above:

    "name": "CVE-2020-28928",
    "uri": "",
    "severity": "LOW",
    "attributes": [
        "key": "package_version",
        "value": "1.2.2-r3"
        "key": "package_name",
        "value": "musl"
        "key": "CVSS2_VECTOR",
        "value": "AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P"
        "key": "CVSS2_SCORE",
        "value": "2.1"

And that is the output for 1 CVE only... imagine 10x or 100x the vulnerabilities; could get quite noisy and unwieldy.

There is also a second question to be asked, would you want/need to see all the attributes or only some? How much value does this provide?

For this reason, I'd recommend grouping it no matter which version we end up with:

pzi commented 3 years ago

There is another thought of adding a flag for the extra output which would be "off" by default so the current output stays the same? Thoughts?

alexjurkiewicz commented 3 years ago

I think we can leave the output enabled by default. People will only read the logs when they need this info, so noisy output every run seems fine to me.

You have a good point about the verboseness of "dumb prettifying". I think you are right, we need custom formatting logic here. How about:

  1. CVE-2020-28928 (LOW) package_version=1.2.2-r3 package_name=musl CVSS2_VECTOR=AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P CVSS2_SCORE=2.1
  2. ...

To me, this seems like a reasonable compromise between readability and code complexity. What do you (both) think?

pzi commented 3 years ago

Great idea, that seems much simpler and turns 100 CVEs into 100 lines rather than >20x that.

Thoughts on grouping, still?

echo "::group::Findings"
echo  "1. CVE-2020-28928 (LOW) package_version=1.2.2-r3 package_name=musl CVSS2_VECTOR=AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P CVSS2_SCORE=2.1"
echo  "2. ..."
echo "::endgroup::"
alexjurkiewicz commented 3 years ago

@bryankaraffa can you make these changes? 🙏

bryankaraffa commented 3 years ago

Formatted output in bd1ce75 and here's example now:

``` ::debug::Entering main ::debug::Repository:bk-micros/calc, Tag:latest, Ignore list: ::debug::Checking for existing findings A scan for this image was already requested, the scan's status is COMPLETE ::set-output name=findings_details::[object Object],[object Object] ::set-output name=critical::0 ::set-output name=high::1 ::set-output name=medium::0 ::set-output name=low::1 ::set-output name=informational::0 ::set-output name=undefined::0 ::set-output name=ignored::0 ::set-output name=total::2 ::group::Findings 1. CVE-2016-4074 (HIGH) package_version=1.6-r1 package_name=jq CVSS2_VECTOR=AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C CVSS2_SCORE=7.8 2. CVE-2020-28928 (LOW) package_version=1.2.2-r3 package_name=musl CVSS2_VECTOR=AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P CVSS2_SCORE=2.1 ::endgroup:: Vulnerabilities summary: 0 Critical 1 High 0 Medium 1 Low 0 Informational 0 Undefined ================= 2 Total ::error::Detected 1 vulnerabilities with severity >= high (the currently configured fail_threshold). ```
alexjurkiewicz commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I've made a couple of style updates, @pzi, mind sanity checking?

alexjurkiewicz commented 2 years ago

Which actually raises another question, how does the ignore list come into play here? Should we show which ones are ignored or still list them but flag them as ignored?

Good catch. It seems better to only print non-ignored findings. However, the refactoring required for this seems complex, so I'm inclined to ignore this for now, in the interests of getting the PR merged.

pzi commented 2 years ago

Which actually raises another question, how does the ignore list come into play here? Should we show which ones are ignored or still list them but flag them as ignored?

Good catch. It seems better to only print non-ignored findings. However, the refactoring required for this seems complex, so I'm inclined to ignore this for now, in the interests of getting the PR merged.

Works for me. Then it's just the variable naming and showing No findings in the group when length === 0 to keep it simple:

# pseudo code
if findings.length > 0
  findings.each => console.log(...)
  console.log('No findings')
alexjurkiewicz commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I can't create a new release from mobile, so I'll check this out on Monday. Must also remember to update the readme tag ..

alexjurkiewicz commented 2 years ago

Tagged as v1.7.0 <3