alexjustesen / speedtest-tracker-docs

Docs for Speedtest Tracker.
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Grafana Dashboard Guage Question #9

Closed samcro1967 closed 1 year ago

samcro1967 commented 1 year ago

Thank you keeping this project going. Appreciate your work.

I have the grafana dashboard setup. I see data in the graphs, but not in the gauges. Not sure what I am missing. I am not a Grafana expert. If I click on edit for a gauge, click on query inspector, and then the data tab, it shows the correct value there. Not sure why it is then not showing on the gauge.


oregonpillow commented 1 month ago

@samcro1967 did you fix this issue in the end? Would you mind sharing your grafana dashboard json? Looks really nice 👌

samcro1967 commented 4 weeks ago

No. I am no longer able to import the dashboard to test it again. Grafana says "Dashboard Not Found" even when trying to import with the downloaded json. I just look at the graph in the speedtest-tracker so I can only see up to the last 30 days.

The link to the dashboard is at the bottom of this issue for future reference:

samcro1967 commented 4 weeks ago

@oregonpillow I have been able to get this to work. See if the JSON below works for you as well. You must be running InfluxDB 2.x and assumes the bucket is called speedtest. I am running Grafana 11.0.0 Not sure if this will work with older versions or not.

Dashboard JSON Model ``` { "annotations": { "list": [ { "builtIn": 1, "datasource": { "type": "datasource", "uid": "grafana" }, "enable": true, "hide": true, "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)", "name": "Annotations & Alerts", "target": { "limit": 100, "matchAny": false, "tags": [], "type": "dashboard" }, "type": "dashboard" } ] }, "description": "Dashboard for Speedtest Tracker v2 - Updated by Samcor1967 on 6/22/24", "editable": true, "fiscalYearStartMonth": 0, "gnetId": 17460, "graphTooltip": 0, "id": 51, "links": [ { "asDropdown": false, "icon": "external link", "includeVars": false, "keepTime": false, "tags": [], "targetBlank": true, "title": "Speedtest-Tracker@GitHub", "tooltip": "GitHub Repository", "type": "link", "url": "" } ], "liveNow": false, "panels": [ { "collapsed": false, "datasource": { "type": "influxdb", "uid": "aIJpPB_nk" }, "gridPos": { "h": 1, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "id": 115, "panels": [], "title": "Speedtest Tracker v2", "type": "row" }, { "datasource": { "type": "influxdb", "uid": "Speedtests" }, "description": "", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "thresholds" }, "custom": { "align": "center", "cellOptions": { "type": "auto" }, "inspect": false, "minWidth": 150 }, "decimals": 1, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "none" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "Server ID" }, "properties": [ { "id": "custom.cellOptions", "value": { "type": "auto" } }, { "id": "mappings", "value": [] }, { "id": "unit", "value": "string" } ] }, { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "DL Speed (mean)" }, "properties": [ { "id": "unit", "value": "bps" } ] }, { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "UL Speed (mean)" }, "properties": [ { "id": "unit", "value": "bps" } ] }, { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "Ping (mean)" }, "properties": [ { "id": "unit", "value": "ms" } ] }, { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "Ping jitter (mean)" }, "properties": [ { "id": "unit", "value": "ms" } ] }, { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "Packet Loss (mean)" }, "properties": [ { "id": "unit", "value": "percent" } ] } ] }, "gridPos": { "h": 4, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 1 }, "id": 121, "options": { "cellHeight": "sm", "footer": { "countRows": false, "fields": "", "reducer": [ "sum" ], "show": false }, "frameIndex": 7, "showHeader": true, "sortBy": [ { "desc": true, "displayName": "ID" } ] }, "pluginVersion": "11.0.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "influxdb", "uid": "Speedtests" }, "hide": false, "query": "from(bucket: \"speedtest\")\r\n |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)\r\n |> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"speedtest\")\r\n |> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_field\"] == \"server_id\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"server_name\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"download_bits\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"download_jitter\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"upload_bits\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"upload_jitter\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"ping\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"ping_jitter\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"packet_loss\")\r\n |> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: last, createEmpty: false)\r\n |> yield(name: \"last\")", "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Average by Server", "transformations": [ { "id": "merge", "options": {} }, { "id": "organize", "options": { "excludeByName": { "scheduled": true, "server_id": false }, "indexByName": { "Time": 0, "download_bits": 3, "download_jitter": 4, "packet_loss": 9, "ping": 7, "ping_jitter": 8, "server_id": 1, "server_name": 2, "upload_bits": 5, "upload_jitter": 6 }, "renameByName": { "Time": "Time", "download": "Download (Mbit/s)", "download_bits": "DL Speed", "download_jitter": "DL jitter", "id": "ID", "id {host=\"speedtest\", name=\"speedtest\"}": "", "packet_loss": "Packet Loss", "ping": "Ping", "ping_jitter": "Ping jitter", "scheduled": "", "server_host": "Server Host", "server_id": "Server ID", "server_name": "Server Name", "upload": "Upload (Mbit/s)", "upload_bits": "UL Speed", "upload_jitter": "UL jitter" } } }, { "id": "groupBy", "options": { "fields": { "DL (Mbit/s)": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "DL Speed": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "Packet Loss": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "Ping": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "Ping (ms)": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "Ping jitter": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "Server ID": { "aggregations": [], "operation": "groupby" }, "Server Name": { "aggregations": [], "operation": "groupby" }, "UL (Mbit/s)": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" }, "UL Speed": { "aggregations": [ "mean" ], "operation": "aggregate" } } } } ], "type": "table" }, { "datasource": { "type": "influxdb", "uid": "000000002" }, "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "thresholds" }, "decimals": 1, "mappings": 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