alexjustesen / speedtest-tracker

Speedtest Tracker is a self-hosted internet performance tracking application that runs speedtest checks against Ookla's Speedtest service.
MIT License
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Allow selection of interface for speedtest tracker to utilize #1301

Open teeesss opened 4 months ago

teeesss commented 4 months ago

I have multiple interfaces on my system and the speedtest tracker is picking an interface I don't want to use.

Allow setting the local interface to use, if there are multiple interfaces to pick from.

alexjustesen commented 4 months ago

On first thought since Speedtest Tracker doesn't really know what interface is being used I'm wondering if this is something that should be done at the Docker container level.

I'll look into it some more.

gaby commented 4 months ago

@alexjustesen By default it can do what its doing now, but there should be an ENV or cli flag that allows specifying an interface.

For example, if this is running with Docker using --net host

alexjustesen commented 3 months ago

If it's at the Docker image level that's not something I would be managing anymore, LSIO will be the only image for this project soon so I'd open a support issue on the repo:

gaby commented 3 months ago

@alexjustesen Isnt this project the ones that chooses how to do the speedtest? You can't specify interfaces in Docker

alexjustesen commented 3 months ago

@alexjustesen Isnt this project the ones that chooses how to do the speedtest? You can't specify interfaces in Docker

This project extends the speedtest CLI so wouldn't any networking have to be passed through Docker's network?

gaby commented 3 months ago

@alexjustesen The speedtest-cli has a --interface and -I flags that allow the user to specify which interface to use for the test. With this UI there's no way to specify that.

alexjustesen commented 3 months ago

This will require more research as that network would need to be passed through to the Docker container for it to work.

gaby commented 3 months ago

@alexjustesen Just by running with --net host all interfaces will be available. This is mostly for use cases where the user has multiple interfaces in the host and/or container.

Since I believe right now it just uses whatever is the default route.

gaby commented 2 months ago

@alexjustesen Any update on this?

alexjustesen commented 2 months ago

The short answer: if the issue isn't completed that's a nope.