alexjustesen / speedtest-tracker

Speedtest Tracker is a self-hosted internet performance tracking application that runs speedtest checks against Ookla's Speedtest service.
MIT License
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Font and favicon assets do not load using https #1589

Open alexjustesen opened 3 days ago

alexjustesen commented 3 days ago

I am unable to get this image working behind a reverse proxy, I use traefik, but get mixed content errors on page as the content seems to be loading http on a https page. I tried setting APP_URL parameter, but looks like that is not supported.

Can someone help?

I have this mixed content problem too.

I just upgraded from v0.18.1 to v0.20.7 today, and although the web page loads and I can use it, the stylesheet and the rabbit favicon fail to load.

I am hosting on a Synology DS1517+ NAS with reverse proxy so that I can use HTTPS. The HTML page contains the following links, which are HTTP addresses when they need to be HTTPS addresses to avoid the mixed content situation:

<link rel="icon" href="http://<host:port>/img/speedtest-tracker-icon.png">

<link href="http://<host:port>/fonts/inter/inter.css" rel="stylesheet">

Here is my docker compose file:

        container_name: speedtest-tracker
            - 8080:80
            - 8443:443
            - PUID=1000
            - PGID=1000
            - APP_KEY=base64:<key>
            - APP_URL=https://<host:port>
            - DB_CONNECTION=sqlite
            - TZ=Europe/London
            - APP_TIMEZONE=Europe/London
            - DISPLAY_TIMEZONE=Europe/London 
            - SPEEDTEST_SCHEDULE=0 * * * * # every hour on the hour
            - SPEEDTEST_SERVERS=6274,52523,47643,64354
            - PRUNE_RESULTS_OLDER_THAN=0 # the default is 0 which disables result pruning, this value is in days.                       
            - /volume1/docker/speedtest-tracker:/config
        restart: unless-stopped

Is there something missing? I don't understand what APP_URL is used for, so maybe I've got that wrong.

Originally posted by @Bananas-Are-Yellow in

svenvg93 commented 3 days ago

just my two cents; The APP_URL should not contain a port if Traefik is doing the proxy stuff. It shoudl be the same as set in traefik.http.routers.speedtest-tracker.rule=Host Traefik label. (But then i also expects the Gui not to load at all) @Bananas-Are-Yellow Can you share the Traefik config for this one.

Bananas-Are-Yellow commented 3 days ago

It was @whizzzkid who mentioned Traefik. I'm using the reverse proxy facility in my Synology NAS. The settings look like this:


The Custom Header has nothing listed, and the Advanced Settings tab just has default values.

I access Speedtest Tracker using:
