alexjustesen / speedtest-tracker

Speedtest Tracker is a self-hosted internet performance tracking application that runs speedtest checks against Ookla's Speedtest service.
MIT License
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Ping as string on influxdb #1670

Open PedroBuffon opened 1 month ago

PedroBuffon commented 1 month ago

So im creating a grafana dashboard getting values from influxdb2, while i was doing some graphs on latency related i see that the ping value from influxdb is retrieved as a string instead of a number and infludb gets the value from the speedtest-tracker too as a string, is this supposed to be this way? i`m using the latest version of speedtest-tracker, influxdb2 and grafana. The values of packet_loss and ping_jitter are in numbers, so thats right only ping is in string.

alexjustesen commented 1 month ago

Short answer, no it shouldn't be that way.

The InfluxDB integration needs a complete rewrite, likely with breaking changes to fix authentication and data quality/formats.

PedroBuffon commented 1 month ago

Ok, i saw too that you have a milestone for prometheus too, looking forward to it, i just use influxdb for the speedtest-tracker, the rest is all with prometheus, on the ping related matter i`m using a data transformation directly on grafana to convert it to a number as a workaround.