alexkay / spek

Acoustic spectrum analyser
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.67k stars 263 forks source link

Use logarithmic scale for frequency #11

Open alexkay opened 12 years ago

alexkay commented 12 years ago

Moved from

alexkay commented 12 years ago

PanderMusubi commented 10 years ago

Please, I need this for zooming in on low frequencies.

billardkarr commented 10 years ago

I also feel like this would be really useful. The loudness scale on the right side is in decibels which is a logarithmic system and we actually hear sound on a log scale (doubling the frequency shifts up by an octave). If you could show markers on the left side for 20 Hz, 120 Hz, 800 Hz, 3 kHz, 21 kHz on a log scale, that'd be awesome.

micahbf commented 8 years ago


namork commented 8 years ago


twobob commented 8 years ago

+1 Log is incredibly useful for musical analytics and phonetics

Archontes commented 5 years ago


ghost commented 5 years ago

So, after at least 9 years there is still no way to get a logarithmic frequency scale for this otherwise handy application? Is it that hard to do? Unfortunately i have zero programming skills...

marco-lilek commented 5 years ago


niof78 commented 1 year ago

It would be great if it were possible to switch from linear to logarithmic display mode, so that energies at low frequencies could be analysed. Otherwise, it is a very clever little piece of software.

Sha1rholder commented 3 months ago


May I ask if anyone is able to implement this feature? It would really help a lot.