alexklibisz / elastiknn

Elasticsearch plugin for nearest neighbor search. Store vectors and run similarity search using exact and approximate algorithms.
Apache License 2.0
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Performance: use parallel accumulators to speed up PanamaFloatVectorOps dotProduct and l2Distance (96% recall at 204 qps) #620

Closed alexklibisz closed 9 months ago

alexklibisz commented 9 months ago

Related Issue

611 #617


Copying the implementations of dotProduct and l2Distance from Lucene's PanamaVectorUtilSupport. Lucene calls it "squaredDistance" instead of "l2Distance", but it's the same thing.

The authors of Lucene have made some really nice optimizations here, which I'm shamelessly copying into Elastiknn. I also considered just using their class and functions directly (things are private, package private, etc), but found it tricky to instantiate, so I just copied over the implementations.

The rough idea in this optimization is: when doing anything with Panama vectors, we have to iterate over the original vector in segments that match the size expected by the processor's SIMD implementation. But we can actually go faster if we unroll the loop by iterating four chunks at a time. Somehow the JVM figures out that we can compute these four chunks in parallel, but does not seem to figure this out if we're going one chunk at a time.

In doing this I went ahead and updated to from JDK 19 to 21 in the .tool-versions file and in the Github workflows. JDK 21 is used by the latest Elasticsearch. I was just behind in this repo.

I updated the JMH micro benchmarks, and it looks like the new implementation is indeed ~4x faster:

[info] Benchmark                                          Mode  Cnt         Score        Error  Units
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.dotProductDefault         thrpt    5    889558.936 ±    661.452  ops/s
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.dotProductLucene          thrpt    5  13655547.975 ±  65406.816  ops/s
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.dotProductPanama          thrpt    5  11208095.266 ± 986906.771  ops/s
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.dotProductPanamaOriginal  thrpt    5   2474870.573 ± 172489.562  ops/s
[info] Benchmark                                          Mode  Cnt         Score       Error  Units
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.l2DistanceDefault         thrpt    5    858090.918 ±  3095.643  ops/s
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.l2DistanceLucene          thrpt    5  10886417.277 ± 55081.371  ops/s
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.l2DistancePanama          thrpt    5  10590012.970 ± 99390.590  ops/s
[info] FloatVectorOpsBenchmark.l2DistancePanamaOriginal  thrpt    5   2223699.798 ±  7011.267  ops/s

The ann-benchmarks also got faster:


There was some variability in the results. They went up as high as 96% recall at 211 qps in


Testing and Validation

Standard CI and benchmarking (see above)