alexkrechik / VSCucumberAutoComplete

Cucumber (Gherkin) Full Support Extension for VSCode
MIT License
331 stars 79 forks source link

Version 3.0.0 ignores cucumberautocomplete.formatConfOverride #491

Closed pct-cclausen closed 1 month ago

pct-cclausen commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Today I saved a feature-file and suddenly the formatting was broken. Seems this is because 3.0.0 of the extension was autmoatically installed and it ignores my settings:

        "cucumberautocomplete.formatConfOverride": {
          "Funktionalität": 0,
          "Regel": 0,
          "Szenario": 1,
          "Angenommen": 2,
          "Wenn": 2,
          "Dann": 2,
          "Und": 2,
          "Aber": 2

This causes the file to lose all indentation on format, breaking the file.

Switching back to the version 2.X.X fixes the issue for now.

Step definition: Any german cucumber file such as:

    Szenario: S10 Offline kein Login
        Angenommen Helmut ist ein bereits registrierter Nutzer
        Und Helmut öffnet die Loginseite
        Wenn Helmut offline ist
        Dann ist dort ein Hinweis auf die fehlende Internetverbindung

This is in a devcontainer.

alexkrechik commented 1 month ago

Thanks for finding it, I will fix it soon.

alexkrechik commented 1 month ago

Hotfixed in 3.0.1 version of the extension

pct-cclausen commented 1 month ago

Wow that was fast