alexkuz / SublimeLinter-inline-errors

Shows linting errors inline with Phantom API
MIT License
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Performance issues #11

Open slifin opened 6 years ago

slifin commented 6 years ago


Thank you for creating this plugin, I use it to screenshot lint/static analysis errors and then I add it to pull requests in code review to help improve code

I can't keep the plugin enabled all the time because the performance is not good on large files with lots of lint issues, I have to uninstall and reinstall the plugin every time I switch between coding and code review

Is there something that can be done for performance?

slifin commented 6 years ago

Is it easier to enable a switch to disable and enable the plugin? Uninstall, Reinstall for performance reasons is a bit annoying

FichteFoll commented 6 years ago

You might want to look into the SublimeLinter4 beta that we're currently testing: It's certainly removed my desire for this package, notably because clicking on the phantom part that was used for spacing was super awkward and annoying causing me to disable it long ago already.

It has a panel showing all errors and warnings at the bottom and the popup feature actually makes sense in that it is shown on hover and not when the caret is in the line.

Should also be interesting for @alexkuz

alexkuz commented 6 years ago

@FichteFoll thank you! I'll try it out Yeah, there's a lot of annoying stuff here which is hardly fixable, at least with the current state of phantom. I had to disable it too, actually :) Though I still like the idea of instantly annotating the whole page with errors, a panel would be good enough, I guess.

alexkuz commented 6 years ago

Just tried it, looks neat! Added a comment to README, thanks again @FichteFoll !