alexkuz / SublimeLinter-inline-errors

Shows linting errors inline with Phantom API
MIT License
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Is this compatible with Sublime Linter 4+? #12

Open Cerberus-tm opened 6 years ago

Cerberus-tm commented 6 years ago

I used to love this plugin! I didn't use it all the time, but it was great when I wanted to display all errors at once, and inside the code, not in a separate panel. But it doesn't seem to work any more in Sublime Linter 4?

Would there be a way to make this work in SL4? I'd love to help, but I'm a total layman, so I'd have no idea what to do.

Or is there a similar function baked into SL4? I don't believe so / haven't found it?

alexkuz commented 6 years ago

I have no plans to support this project any further, I think "Show all errors" is good enough, at least for me. I mean, I still like the idea, but it's buggy and requires a bunch of work (mostly on SublimeText side, I'd say) and I don't feel it's worth supporting it.

Cerberus-tm commented 6 years ago

Ah, OK, that is of course completely understandable. In case you do decide to make it work with SL 4 at some point in the future, though, I'll still be happy to use it (I personally do not mind bugginess in this case, because I would not have it turned on permanently, but only when I need it). At any rate, I got some use out of the old version, so a belated thanks for that!

P.S. I've posted it as an issue / feature request as well: