alexkuz / SublimeLinter-inline-errors

Shows linting errors inline with Phantom API
MIT License
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[feature] option to hide the inline error #7

Closed ctf0 closed 6 years ago

ctf0 commented 6 years ago

in sublime-linter you can make the warning passive, which only shows the gutter theme but not in the errors list.

so is it possible to do the same for the warning & error, so the user can decide whether to show the inline errors or not ?

yes we can solve this by removing the error type symbol, but you will be left with the offset_symbol remaining visible.

alexkuz commented 6 years ago

show_errors and show_warnings will be available in 0.0.5

ctf0 commented 6 years ago


ctf0 commented 6 years ago


the show and hide, effects the inline msg it self but it needs to effect the offset_symbol as well as the corresponding status icon error / warning

alexkuz commented 6 years ago

Oh, you're right, missed that somehow.