alexkvak / teamcity-slack

TeamCity Slack plugin
MIT License
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Unable to find channel with name #129

Closed patricklabrie closed 2 years ago

patricklabrie commented 3 years ago

I've read the other issues. I'm not too sure since it doesn't have very verbose information. I enter Slack channel without the #, I've validated the bot oauth is good, restarted TC server last friday, still today it doesn't find it. The bot joined the channel I'm trying to find (though the bot joined after the restart). It isn't a new channel since the plugin install. I'm on 2.1.0 Any clue to diagnose further ? Also, I don't know where to find the Try it. I was assuming it would show up after the Save but I can't save due to the Slack channel unfound issue. Thanks for the help, plugin look great.

aeroradish commented 3 years ago

I just had this problem -- I solved it by going to the new channel and clicking on the heading to bring up the settings. I then clicked the "Integrations" tab, and added this App to the channel. The channel then showed up on Team City.

patricklabrie commented 3 years ago

The bot was already added to the channel following these instructions. I revalidated the oauth in TC, the bot config/access, that the bot was indeed in the channel. Nothing moved.

alexkvak commented 3 years ago

Could you try ? Provide your token and enter public_channel,private_channel into types field.

patricklabrie commented 3 years ago

it works, but we have so many channels, at the end I get "response_metadata": { "next_cursor": "dGVhbTpDOVk1SjdRRVA=" }

Based on you might need to cycle through the list. Is that potentially the issue ? The channel doesn't show up in the first page of data retrieval searching on the website provided, so that could explain it.

alexkvak commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the investigation!

This issue should be fixed in v2.1.3

patricklabrie commented 2 years ago

Confirm it's been fixed!