alexkychen / assignPOP

Population Assignment using Genetic, Non-genetic or Integrated Data in a Machine-learning Framework. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2018;9:439–446.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 4 forks source link

Warning message #1

Open SandraLudwig opened 6 years ago

SandraLudwig commented 6 years ago

Hello! Im having problem during the instalation of the package in RStudio. I received the folowing message "ERROR: dependencies 'e1071', 'randomForest', 'tree' are not available for package 'assignPOP'". I ask that if Ive to install those dependencies and where Could I find them?

Thanks a lot!!!


alexkychen commented 6 years ago

Hi Sandra,

I assume you install assignPOP from Github, right? If so, you could try install.packages("e1071"), install.packages("randomForest"), and other packages that are missing in your R. Yes, you need to install those missing packages before you can successfully install assignPOP. However, I recommend that you simply enter install.packages("assignPOP") to install the package from CRAN such that you don't need wrestling with those missing packages. Currently, the version should be the same in CRAN and Github.

Let me know if you have further questions. Thanks!!
