alexlafroscia / vite-plugin-handlebars

Vite support for Handlebars
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Using with TailwindCSS - partials do not refresh when editting tailwind classes #192

Open jjaimealeman opened 2 years ago

jjaimealeman commented 2 years ago

reloadOnPartialChange: true, added to vite.config.js but it makes no difference.

Any solutions ?

jonatanklosko commented 2 years ago

I think the problem lies here:

Specifically, returning [] skips any further processing, meaning that postcss (hence tailwind) isn't triggered at all.

I'm not sure how handleHotUpdate should look exactly, but a workaround is to remove it entirely:

// TODO: remove once is resolved
function handlebarsOverride(options) {
  const plugin = handlebars(options);
  // Currently handleHotUpdate skips further processing, which bypasses
  // postcss and in turn tailwind doesn't pick up file changes
  delete plugin.handleHotUpdate;
  return plugin;
  plugins: [
    handlebarsOverride({ ... }),
sKopheK commented 2 weeks ago

didn't help when simple HTML partial changes

I think the problem lies here:

Specifically, returning [] skips any further processing, meaning that postcss (hence tailwind) isn't triggered at all.

I'm not sure how handleHotUpdate should look exactly, but a workaround is to remove it entirely:

// TODO: remove once is resolved
function handlebarsOverride(options) {
  const plugin = handlebars(options);
  // Currently handleHotUpdate skips further processing, which bypasses
  // postcss and in turn tailwind doesn't pick up file changes
  delete plugin.handleHotUpdate;
  return plugin;
  plugins: [
    handlebarsOverride({ ... }),