alexlancaster / pypop

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Updating grant metadata for the zenodo upload #134

Open alexlancaster opened 11 months ago

alexlancaster commented 11 months ago

@rsingle I've managed to get the workflow that will eventually upload and sync our code releases with Zenodo (and also provide DOIs for each release). I'm working off the Zenodo "Sandbox", which means these aren't "real" DOIs or citeable uploads, but it gives you the ability the "preview" what they will look like, here's example: (0.9.80) (0.9.82)

As part of the upload, I can provide a lot extra metadata via the .zenodo.json file:

One of the things is grants. I think it would be great to add them in as well (you'll see I managed to find several). To add them we put them in the .zenodo.json in the following format:

IDs look similar to a DOI: 10.13039/100000002::5U24AI049213-05, my understanding is that it breaks down like:

I took a look at the Pubmed to see if I could get as full a list as possible, and you can see several here:

but I need some help translating these into the fully-qualified grant numbers that I can give to Zenodo and/or checking that they are correct. Some of one's listed on PubMed might even be duplicates? Once I have better data I can look them up on Zenodo and figure out the encoding of them.

alexlancaster commented 11 months ago

Here is the list from PubMed:

R01 GM035326/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States
R13 AI066863/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States
U24 AI049213/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States
AI49213/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States 

The paper also mentions a DOE grant.