alexlarsson / nightly-build-apps

Nightly build of various apps as xdg-app
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Requirements for other FLOSS projects? #1

Open luzpaz opened 8 years ago

luzpaz commented 8 years ago

Are there any requirements for including other LibreGraphics projects?

CC @aoloe

alexlarsson commented 8 years ago

The runtime we use has gtk2 and gtk3, but no qt. However you could easily Build qt as a dependency like the others. Should not be too hard, as at is pretty standalone.

I don't plan to work on other builds ATM, but if anyone else does so I will gladly add them to the build.

aoloe commented 8 years ago

very interesting project!

three questions:

alexlarsson commented 8 years ago

The .def file are just shell scripts that are sourced by the script. The entire thing is nothing official, just a shell script i hacked up in a day.

I haven't talked to debian about packaging xdg-app. Do you know a good person to talk to?

There is really no dependency on gnome in xdg-app per se, all it requires is a recent kernel, and fuse support. Each individual runtime (like the gnome one) can have requirements on the desktop running on the host though. For instance, gnome apps that run non-sandboxed will probably need a dconf running to get persistent configuration stored.

DoomHammer commented 8 years ago

@aoloe A bit of shameless plug but you can try doomhammer/homebrew-xdg to get xdg-app on Debian (that's what I do on Linux Mint). Needs a bit of manual work, but other than that it works and installs to your home directory only.

alexlarsson commented 8 years ago

Well, i have xdg-app debian packages on the wiki, but I guess this was about official packages.

DoomHammer commented 8 years ago

Yeah, that would be great but knowing how packagers in different distros are overworked it may not come too soon.

aoloe commented 8 years ago

i guess that the first step to acceptance for xdg-app, is to be included in the official repositories. it's not about me getting it (i can compile it, no problem :-) but if we create a package i want our users to be able to install it with very little effort. otherwise, we already have a ppa or people can follow some instructions and compile by themselves :-)

alexlarsson commented 8 years ago

I've updated the nightly build to now also have mypaint and darktable. It also has scribus, but there seems to be some issue with it, because its not working well for me.

In have also changed the way these are built so that it should be easier to add other apps too.