I am trying to run inference on larger image size, e.g. 128x128 while the model was trained on images of size 64x64. But the model cannot be restored.
I have modified scripts/generate.py with one more args flag: infer_read_pics, which will change the placeholder shape to 128x128 for inference. The data being fed into the placeholder is also resized to 128x128:
... omited code ...
if args.infer_read_pics:
inputs = None
input_phs = {'images': tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, model.hparams.sequence_length, IMG_H, IMG_W, 1], name='images_ph')}
inputs = dataset.make_batch(args.batch_size)
input_phs = {k: tf.placeholder(v.dtype, v.shape, '%s_ph' % k) for k, v in inputs.items()}
with tf.variable_scope(''):
... omitted code...
while True:
if args.num_samples and sample_ind >= args.num_samples:
if sample_ind > 0:
if args.infer_read_pics:
glob_pattern = '/home/von/repo/video_prediction/data/kth/infer_dir' + '/context_image_*.png'
img_paths = glob.glob(glob_pattern, recursive=True)
ipaths = sorted(img_paths)
imgs = skimage.io.imread_collection(ipaths)
imgs = [(lambda img: cv2.resize(img, dsize=(IMG_H, IMG_W), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC))(img[..., 0:1]) for img in imgs]
imgs = np.expand_dims(np.stack(imgs), axis=0) # (1, 11, 64, 64, 1)
od = OrderedDict()
od['images'] = imgs / 255.0
input_results = od
input_results = sess.run(inputs)
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
I have also commented below code inside video_prediction/models/savp_model.py to make sure the model architecture is the same as the model trained using 64x64 images:
Hi Alex, thank you so much for the code release.
I am trying to run inference on larger image size, e.g. 128x128 while the model was trained on images of size 64x64. But the model cannot be restored.
I have modified scripts/generate.py with one more args flag:
, which will change the placeholder shape to 128x128 for inference. The data being fed into the placeholder is also resized to 128x128:I have also commented below code inside video_prediction/models/savp_model.py to make sure the model architecture is the same as the model trained using 64x64 images:
But the model cannot be restored due to the error below:
According to the error, I have traced to the this line in video_prediction/ops.py:
kernel_shape = [input_shape[1], units]
.Do you have any suggestions about how to make it work for running inference on arbitrary image sizes?
Thanks for reading my question!