alexlenail / NN-SVG

Publication-ready NN-architecture schematics.
MIT License
4.49k stars 579 forks source link

Not an issue, but a suggestion/query #55

Closed massisenergy closed 5 months ago

massisenergy commented 1 year ago

This is a very useful app, especially with the .svg download option 👍🏽

My question is - is there any plan to include more complicated Deep Learning algorithmic structures such as the Transformers (such as BERT, ViT, etc.)?

alexlenail commented 1 year ago

Hi @massisenergy What kind of diagram would you want to represent a transformer?

lhallee commented 5 months ago

I second this question. The field sorely needs automatic structuring of transformer like diagrams, especially with the introduction of MOE and state space models. image How to do this effectively? Not sure. Some cross between the AlexNet style and AlphaFold style would be really interesting. image

alexlenail commented 5 months ago

Is there a sort of graphic that is tedious to make with powerpoint to represent transformers (similar to all the lines in an FCNN)?

Another important question is: is a lightweight web tool better for making these than a hypothetical python utility which parses your code to generate a diagram?

lhallee commented 5 months ago

Parsing to code to generate a diagram would be much better! For example, orienting all the layers correctly from a print of a Pytorch model or something.

alexlenail commented 5 months ago

Agreed -- I think there should be a python utility you download to your machine to parse your code -- it's out of scope for a web tool like NN-SVG. I'd love to see a "pytorch-SVG" utility!