In recording fixtures within a repo to be replayed independently of recording, it's helpful to be able to just load the file by scenario. Since the file name has a prepended timestamp, I have to rename the file once created to have a consistent name. If I could load by directory and scenario name, it would save a bit of code.
Current behavior:
let playback_server = MockServer::start();
// make the request
Desired behavior:
let playback_server = MockServer::start();
playback_server.playback_scenario(PathBuf::from("./fixtures"), "my-scenario");
// make the request
Here is my current workaround:
async fn test_query(record: bool, max_bytes: Option<u64>) -> (Bytes, bool) {
let connection = get_connection();
let url = "https://some-url";
let server = MockServer::start();
server.forward_to(&url, |rule| {
rule.filter(|when| {
// setuup the recording server, this is not used during playback but required for recording
let recording = server.record(|rule| {
rule.filter(|when| {
let client = get_client();
let scenario = "my-scenario";
let fixtures_dir = "./fixtures";
let fixtures_path = PathBuf::from(fixtures_dir);
let path = PathBuf::from(format!("{fixtures_dir}/{scenario}.yml"));
if !record {
let playback_server = MockServer::start();
// make the request
if record {
let saved_path = recording
.save_to_async(fixtures_path, scenario)
.expect("cannot store scenario on disk");
std::fs::rename(saved_path, path).unwrap();
Let me know if you're interested in having this kind of feature and I'll submit a PR. Thanks!
Makes sense, thank you. I assume playback_server.playback_scenario(PathBuf::from("./fixtures"), "my-scenario"); should load the scenario file with the most recent timestamp, right?
In recording fixtures within a repo to be replayed independently of recording, it's helpful to be able to just load the file by scenario. Since the file name has a prepended timestamp, I have to rename the file once created to have a consistent name. If I could load by directory and scenario name, it would save a bit of code.
Current behavior:
Desired behavior:
Here is my current workaround:
Let me know if you're interested in having this kind of feature and I'll submit a PR. Thanks!