alexliesenfeld / httpmock

HTTP mocking library for Rust.
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Clarify query_param doc test #95

Closed nordzilla closed 6 months ago

nordzilla commented 6 months ago

I was using this library and ran into the exact problem from #56, but it still took me a moment and a bit of confusion to figure out exactly what I needed to do to make things work correctly.

I realize that the docs attempt to explain this issue with the following section:

"Attention!: The request query keys and values are implicitly allowed, but is not required to be urlencoded! The value you pass here, however, must be in plain text (i.e. not encoded)!"

However, I think that the overall documentation would be more clear if the code showed an example of this as well, showing exactly what is explained above.

I've updated the documentation to match example from issue #56.

alexliesenfeld commented 6 months ago

Hi @nordzilla. Makes sense. Thanks for your PR!