alexloney / reddit_marvel_snap_card_bot

u/MarvelSnapCardBot2 on Reddit
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

Ignore old Marvel Snap bot #17

Closed alexloney closed 6 months ago

alexloney commented 6 months ago

Since I have been unable to contact the original bot creator as the /u/MarvelSnapCardBot account does not allow direct messages and I do not see anywhere on that bot account where the owner claimed ownership. Nor do I see any github repositories listing that bot account. I have added an ignore into this bot so that it will ignore comments created by /u/MarvelSnapCardBot as well as when it checks to see if it should reply to a comment, it will skip replying to it if /u/MarvelSnapCardBot has already replied.

This is just a bit of insurance in case the /u/MarvelSnapCardBot comes back online at some point, I don't want for both that bot and this bot to double-comment on peoples comments. So instead, if /u/MarvelSnapCardBot has already commented, this bot will ignore the comment and move on from it.

This does not solve the issue where this bot acts faster than /u/MarvelSnapCardBot. If that is the case, then this bot will reply to the comment, then the /u/MarvelSnapCardBot bot will reply, producing a double-comment situation. If that occurs, I will see if I am able to contact the owner of /u/MarvelSnapCardBot and working something out.