alexloney / reddit_marvel_snap_card_bot

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Better Search Filtering #4

Closed alexloney closed 6 months ago

alexloney commented 6 months ago

When searching for Snowguard it returns 4 results, the first one is the actual Snowguard card, followed by the summons. However, one of the summons is an unreleased and unlisted card. I don't think that should be listed in the output that is returned.

The challenge here is that all of these cards are listed as Snowguard. So when searching for just Snowguard, you'll get back all of these.

So the change I propose is to no longer match to token cards and instead match to the base card and a base card will draw in token cards. So for example, searching for Snowguard will find the base card for Snowguard, it will then check the linked cards and find the Bear and Hawk, and list those. But it won't find that other non-released card since it's not linked.

This would also impact the way Thanos would work. For example, you will no longer be able to search for Soul Stone and get JUST Soul Stone back. Instead it will match to the token Soul Stone which will then match to the base card Thanos, then pull in all summons, including Soul Stone