alexmercerind / flutter_audio_desktop

[WIP] An 🎵 audio playback library for Flutter Desktop. Supports Windows & Linux. Based on miniaudio.
MIT License
52 stars 18 forks source link

[Windows]Incompatible with package file_picker_cross #34

Open narumi147 opened 3 years ago

narumi147 commented 3 years ago

If I use flutter_audio_desktop 0.1.0(just depend in pubspec.yaml) and any recent version of file_picker_cross together inside one project, once file picker is called, the program will run into stuck - "not responding", the file chooser window is not shown yet. You need to force close it.

flutter_audio_desktop 0.0.8 works fine. Maybe there are some conflicts of platform-specific codes in v0.1.0. But I haven't found it out. And Linux not tested. I will also create an issue at file_picker_cross project (

Minimal example


  # skip default deps
  flutter_audio_desktop: 0.1.0
  file_picker_cross: 4.3.0

  path_provider: ^2.0.0


import 'package:file_picker_cross/file_picker_cross.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Test',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Test")),
        body: Center(
          child: ElevatedButton(
            onPressed: () async {
              final res = await FilePickerCross.importFromStorage();
            child: Text('import file'),

hope the new project flutter_vlc publish soon, even in beta, is there any plan when to publish?

alexmercerind commented 3 years ago

Hi there @narumishi !

Nice to see that people are actually wanting this project to be alive. But I'm not dealing with issues presently on this repository. I appreciate your comprehensive bug report. 111030673-9435a000-8429-11eb-8fad-1fbe33d4b010 Even the videos work 😉 111030698-bdeec700-8429-11eb-9376-430a82708af4

I have to say, please wait just a little longer (about a week)...

All I can show about the flutter_vlc project are few screenshots to give the sense of progress.

I also look forward to bring this on the Dart CLI apps (not just Flutter).

The vlc version is already more stable than this, but only works on Windows (yet to write for Linux). I've already added things like network streaming, playback rate, event stream, playlists etc.

Not just these projects, I look forward to bring more plugins for Windows & Linux in general. Thanks

alexmercerind commented 3 years ago

As I said, since Dart FFI is stable now... I want to get an audio/video playback library for Dart aswell (not just Flutter). So I'm experimenting with FFI currently.

I have a kinda busy schedule till 16 of this month. I won't be able to get much covered. But a lot after that.

I also can't wait to get it out for you. I have a collaborator testing the things I make along the way, so I'm real serious about this time.

alexmercerind commented 3 years ago

Hello @narumishi !

I've made my libVLC based project public here.

This will be sequel to this package, although I'll still maintain this one if someone needs miniaudio.

narumi147 commented 3 years ago

@alexmercerind wonderful, starred it. Hope it will be popular!

alexmercerind commented 3 years ago

@narumishi thankyou! Now it is also supported on Linux. It has a lot more features than this plugin & a left list of more upcoming features ✨.

Let me know, if you discover any issues on that repo. I'll be marking this project as archived for now.