alexmilowski / green-turtle

An RDFa 1.1. implementation for browsers.
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Wrong element data object for typed child #4

Open alexmilowski opened 9 years ago

alexmilowski commented 9 years ago

In the follow example, the schema:Organization typed child doesn't not have the right .data value on the element. It has the schema:Person instance instead of its own.

<div typeof="Person">
      <p property="name">Alex Milowski</p>
      <div property="affiliation" resource="" typeof="Organization">
          <p><span property="department">School of Information</span>, <span property="name">University of California, Berkeley</span></p>
sballesteros commented 8 years ago

This has been resolved right?


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <div vocab="">
      <div typeof="Person">
        <p property="name">Alex Milowski</p>
        <div property="affiliation" resource="" typeof="Organization">
          <p><span property="department">School of Information</span>, <span property="name">University of California, Berkeley</span></p>
    <script src="green-turtle/build/RDFa.js"></script>

Produces ( in the console) the right data:

_:1 <> <>;
 <> "Alex Milowski";
 <> <> .

 <> <> <>;
 <> "School of Information";
 <> "University of California, Berkeley" .