alexmilowski / green-turtle

An RDFa 1.1. implementation for browsers.
MIT License
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Merging data within dynamically added script tags #5

Open timathom opened 9 years ago

timathom commented 9 years ago

I am trying to integrate Green Turtle with an XForms application (XSLTForms) and would like to be able to merge Turtle data that has been dynamically loaded within an embedded <script type="text/turtle"> tag. With RDFa-encoded data, it's possible to update the default graph by calling GreenTurtle.attach(document). Is it possible to do the same with embedded Turtle that has been dynamically added after the initial page load?

alexmilowski commented 9 years ago

The turtle is automatically detected and loaded into the graph. If you dynamically add a script element, you just need to call attached again:


timathom commented 9 years ago

Thanks, that's what I thought. My problem seems to have been with DBpedia's default Turtle output, which interweaves prefixes and triples. For example, querying with


results in output like this:

@prefix dbpprop:    <> .
<> dbpprop:extendedFrom    <> .
@prefix dbpedia-owl:    <> .
<>   dbpedia-owl:wikiPageDisambiguates   <> .
@prefix ns2:    <> .
<>   dbpprop:wordnet_type    ns2:synset-format-noun-1 .
@prefix owl:    <> .
<>   owl:sameAs  <> , 
    <> .

The parser throws the following errors:

2: No prefix mapping for dbpprop
2: Terminating: Cannot parse predicate IRI.
2: Missing end . triples.  Found: ... 

DBpedia does offer a pretty-printed Turtle serialization (which they qualify as "slow!"), but this "alternative" format doesn't have a standard MIME type that can be requested (as far as I can tell).