alexmojaki / pure_eval

Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects
MIT License
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Test failure with Python 3.13.0b3 #19

Open arkamar opened 3 weeks ago

arkamar commented 3 weeks ago

This is similar issue to #16, the test_sys_modules test fails with Python 3.13.0b3 even if I apply the patch from PR #17 (however, I confirm it resolves the issue with Python 3.13.0b1).

================================================= test session starts =================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.13.0b3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /var/tmp/portage/dev-python/pure-eval-0.2.2/work/pure_eval-0.2.2-python3_13/install/usr/bin/python3.13
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /var/tmp/portage/dev-python/pure-eval-0.2.2/work/pure_eval-0.2.2
configfile: pyproject.toml
collecting ... collected 47 items

tests/ FAILED                                                                   [41/47]
====================================================== FAILURES =======================================================
__________________________________________________ test_sys_modules ___________________________________________________

    def test_sys_modules():
        modules = sys_modules_sources()
        if not os.environ.get('PURE_EVAL_SLOW_TESTS'):
            modules = islice(modules, 0, 3)

        for filename, source, tree in modules:
            if not filename.endswith(""):
>               check_copy_ast_without_context(tree)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

tree = <ast.Module object at 0x7f3462e4f4d0>

    def check_copy_ast_without_context(tree):
        tree2 = copy_ast_without_context(tree)
        dump1 = ast.dump(tree)
        dump2 = ast.dump(tree2)
        normalised_dump1 = re.sub(
            # Two possible matches:
            # - first one like ", ctx=…" where ", " should be removed
            # - second one like "(ctx=…" where "(" should be kept
                    r", ctx=(Load|Store|Del)\(\)"
>       assert normalised_dump1 == dump2
E       assert 'Module(body=[Expr(value=Constant(value=\'Core implementation of import.\\n\\nThis module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such\\nthat it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation[snip]
E         - Module(body=[Expr(value=Constant(value='Core implementation of import.\n\nThis module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such\nthat it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import.[snip]
E         + Module(body=[Expr(value=Constant(value='Core implementation of import.\n\nThis module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such\nthat it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import.[snip]
======================================= 1 failed, 46 passed, 1 warning in 9.88s =======================================