alexmojaki / s3-stream-upload

Manages streaming of data to AWS S3 without knowing the size beforehand and without keeping it all in memory or writing to disk.
MIT License
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Bump aws-java-sdk dependency version #19

Closed valenterry closed 5 years ago

valenterry commented 5 years ago

Bump the aws-java-sdk dependency version (minor) as the old version already as a bunch of security issues.

alexmojaki commented 5 years ago

In other languages like Python a library doesn't have to specify the exact versions of its dependencies, so users of that library can easily use the latest version of the dependency or whatever version they have installed (maybe because it was specified by a different dependency). Is there a way to do that with Java?

valenterry commented 5 years ago

Not so easy because of binary compatibility issues: While bytecode is interpreted, Java is still a language that compiles to bytecode, other than Python which is purely interpreted. By providing a version with updated (transitive) dependencies, users can rely on that it was checked that the newer version still works with your library (e.g. I executed your tests to see if the lib works after bumping the aws version)

alexmojaki commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I've released 2.0.3.