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test #23

Open alexmonteirocastro opened 5 years ago

alexmonteirocastro commented 5 years ago






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Lorem ipsum"

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is the idea that there are generic algorithms that can tell you something interesting about a set of data without you having to write any custom code specific to the problem. Instead of writing code, you feed data to the generic algorithm and it builds its own logic based on the data.

For example, one kind of algorithm is a classification algorithm. It can put data into different groups. The same classification algorithm used to recognize handw

ine learning” is an umbrella term covering lots of these kinds of generic algorithms.

Two kinds of Machine Learning Algorithms

You can think of machine learning algorithms as falling into one of two main categories — supervised learning and unsupervised learning. The difference is simple, but really important.&

Supervised Learning

Let’s say you are a real estate agent. Your business is growing, so you hire a bunch of new trainee agents to help you out. But there’s a problem — you can glance at a house and have a pretty good idea of what a house is worth, but your trainees don’t have ys

alexmonteirocastro commented 5 years ago

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