alexmorley / CodeOfConduct.Builder

(WIP!) An easy way to build the perfect Code of Conduct for your event/community/organisation
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Tinymce #22

Closed 0styx0 closed 6 years ago

0styx0 commented 6 years ago

Adds tinymce to the project. Solves issue #10 Note: Tinymce will bug you about an api key (which is free), but since I'm just a random person on the internet, I didn't want to register one for you. (When you go to builder.php you'll see the prompt)

alexmorley commented 6 years ago

Awesome thanks for your help! Super busy today but will get round to reviewing this fully this week (probably today or tomorrow).

0styx0 commented 6 years ago

Ok 😀

alexmorley commented 6 years ago

Wicked. I've had a look through and it looks good! Thanks a bunch.

alexmorley commented 6 years ago

Was the download working for you or no? What do you think is the best way to go ? :thinking:

0styx0 commented 6 years ago

The download doesn't work for me, but I don't think it's anything I've done. When I switched to the development or master branch (which I didn't make any changes to) I still get the following error when reading a download: Warning: readfile(license_tmp/your_licence.84632975.odt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/to/CodeOfConduct.Builder/app/download.php on line 6

I see there's something above about changes requested but I don't know what to do with that, I'm pretty new to contributing to projects

alexmorley commented 6 years ago

So the reason (I think) the downloads won't work on your computer is either - you are just viewing the files on the filesystem instead of running a local server? - or the server (i use apache) doesn't have write permissions to the directory where the files are created (that always bites me).

The "changes requested" is just a note to myself not to merge this until things are fixed, nothing to worry about :smile:. I'm pretty new to managing projects so we're both out of our comfort zone!

0styx0 commented 6 years ago

Running mamp (apache) pointed at app/. The site loads fine, files in this project directory are changed to 777 permissions, same error when reading the downloaded files

alexmorley commented 6 years ago

Hmmm, not sure. I kept on running into weird bugs like this which is why I just use it a docker image now (but that's a bit hefty download). Could you open an issue and paste a few details? Thanks!

alexmorley commented 6 years ago

Closing this one and merging #38 instead.