alexmurray / evil-vimish-fold

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add to spacemacs? #3

Closed dzhwinter closed 3 years ago

dzhwinter commented 8 years ago

i'm finding here from spacemacs discuss session. I'm wondering that if I want to try your package with vimish-fold? just add to my private layer is not work at all.

dzhwinter commented 8 years ago

here is my config, anything is wrong?

(defun configlayer/init-vimish-fold ()
  (use-package vimish-fold
    :defer t
     (setq vimish-fold-global-mode t))))

(defun configlayer/init-evil-vimish-fold ()
  (use-package evil-vimish-fold
    :defer t
alexmurray commented 8 years ago

The following works for me:

(use-package evil-vimish-fold
  :ensure t)

(use-package vimish-fold
  :ensure t
  :config (vimish-fold-global-mode t))

Try adding :ensure t to make sure it gets installed if is not already installed.

pmillet commented 8 years ago

I would love to have this in my spacemacs too but beeing quite new to spacemacs / emacs I can't figure out how install it. I tried adding your lines into the user-config part of my .spacemacs but this results in the following message: 'Error in dotspacemacs/user-config: Not found'

Probably this it not what I should be doing? Any help / instructions would be very welcome.

alexmurray commented 8 years ago

Sorry I am not familiar with spacemacs, can you try refreshing your package list? Also you'll need to add a

(evil-vimish-fold-mode 1)

Since the initialisation process has changed since those instructions were written.

pmillet commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your quick response. The solution is rather trivial: 1) add the package to dotspacemacs-additional-packages 2) add (evil-vimish-fold-mode 1) to user-config (all in .spacemacs file) Then, it gets installed without error message. ( thanks to @deuill for pointing this out in the spacemacs chat )

vv111y commented 6 years ago

@pmillet Did you get keybindings to work? Not showing up for me

EDIT: works with a sample .cpp file, but not my dotfile (elisp). Looks like some configuration is needed.

pmillet commented 6 years ago

@vv111y It worked for me, but I only tested it with .cpp files.

Kazark commented 3 years ago

I've attempted to add it to Spacemacs:

Kazark commented 3 years ago

My PR has been accepted into Spacemacs. This issue can be closed.