alexmurray / flycheck-posframe

Show flycheck errors via posframe.el
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Disable mode if `lsp-ui-mode` is active? #19

Open joostkremers opened 4 years ago

joostkremers commented 4 years ago

I was wondering if it might be a good idea for flycheck-posframe-mode to not enable itself when lsp-ui-mode is active in a buffer, because lsp-ui-mode shows the same info.

I enable flycheck-posframe-mode in prog-mode-hook, so it's available in all programming modes, but I prefer to disable it when using LSP. Disabling it in lsp-ui-mode-hook doesn't work because (I assume) that hook is called before prog-mode-hook.

I defined my own function jk-maybe-flycheck-posframe-mode which enables flycheck-posframe-mode unless lsp-ui-mode is active, but perhaps that's something flycheck-posframe-mode should do itself?

dgutov commented 9 months ago might be relevant.