alexradulescu / issho

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One page T&C #6

Open alexradulescu opened 1 year ago

alexradulescu commented 1 year ago

Let's be honest, no one reads long and boring T&Cs, except those who wrote them and lawyers. We all hope the app/service/whatever will work, won't screw us over, be reasonable. So here is our Hell No T&C. If you don't agree with any point, then you can't use the Issho.

  1. We won't sell your personal information. We will only track what is needed to make sure Issho work for you and to figure out how we can make it better for you.
  2. We'll do our best to keep the Issho as stable as reliable for you. Sometimes there will be bugs. Please let us know nicely and we'll do our best to fix them in a pragmatic manner. Sometimes it might go down. We'll do our best to bring it back as soon as possible. Paying for the service will help us get better setup.
  3. We'll try and add useful features whenever we can. Issho might not have everything you need, we won't promise anything other then if you offer us constructive feedback, we'll genuinely consider it.
  4. Subscription. We offer a free version for you to play around, get a bit of value. What we offer in the free vs paid may change in time as we try and make it a workable business. With the paid version you'll get better support. Also if we ever change the price, we won't charge you more. We'll let you know and you will decide if you want to continue with the new price or cancel. If you don't say anything, we'll consider that a no.
  5. Your data. You can delete your data from the system. We'll try and keep it as long as possible. For the free version we might delete old data or even delete old, unused accounts to save on space and infrastructure.
  6. Don't post anything you wouldn't be ok for you parents to see. We aren't responsible for what you post, but if you post discriminatory, pornographic or other horrible stuff, we'll close you account and stop taking any money from you. And you don't get back anything already paid.
  7. If you paid for Issho and want your money back, you can get it as long as you contact us within a month from the last payment. Anything older than that we can't give you back because it already went to pay the bills and the coffee.